Monday, 19 November 2012

One month to go...

So I know I haven’t been around for a while. I thought I’d have plenty of time to blog now that I got my exam out the way but the truth is I’ve actually been busier than ever the last month or so. I am very very excited because I realised this morning that I now have just under a month to go before the release of my first story ‘Business and Pleasure’! It gets released on the 17th of December . So it really won’t be long until you can get your hands on it, and I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I’ll also be doing a blog tour the week that my story gets released. I’ll post all about the dates it closer to the time, but I’m very excited about the opportunity to hijack other people’s blogs! Lol!

If you are a regular to my blog you probably know by now that my posts are few and far between, but this month I’ve actually had a good excuse not to be here. As well as working on the finishing touches to ‘Business and Pleasure’ with my editor, I’ve also been editing the follow up ‘The Best of Both Worlds’ and finishing the third, which I think should be ready to send this weekend. Exciting times for me.
I also have two other projects in the pipeline apart from the ‘Rags and Riches’ series. One is another contemporary romance, which is actually an old story which I’m revamping. It’s quite a bit longer than the others, so it’s taking a while to sort out, but I’m pretty sure it will be worth it in the end, so watch this space. I hope I get to share this one with you all sometime soon. The second project, at the moment, is a lot more of a project than writing, because it’s my first attempt at writing a historical romance, and I’m determined to get as many facts right about the setting as possible, so the research for it is quite a big task right now, but again, it will be worth it in the end.
So I hope you’ll forgive me for not blogging too much recently, but in the run up to the release date of ‘Business and Pleasure’ you’ll be hearing from me a bit more, and again, I just really can’t wait to share this story with you, 28 days to go!