Hello everybody, hope you're having a wonderful Saturday! Today I'm going to be sharing a few sinful sentences from my newest release The Best of Both Worlds.

"I’m sorry that I’ve dragged you into all this. My life is pretty screwed up right now. But I should go." Melissa pulled back. She had every intention of leaving, but Riley didn’t let her out of his embrace.
"You’re not going anywhere," he whispered softly. He was smiling gently now, and it was comforting. Melissa leaned her body against his, breathing in his glorious scent as he lowered his mouth to hers. His kiss was like rose petals against her lips.
Intrigued? I sure hope so! If you want to find out what Riley's been dragged into then you can get hold of my book here!
Don't forget to check out what other authors are taking part in today's Sinful Saturday! http://sinfulsaturday.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/welcome-to-sinful-saturday-blog.html
Definitely intrigued! Can't wait to get around to this. Riley sounds delicious.